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UK Pro Tiling Training Testimonial

Posted By: admin
Posted Date: November 5, 2016

Testimonial; UK Pro Tiling Training

Hi I have just returned from a two week course at uk pro tiling training, I IMG_2287travelled nearly 500 miles round trip to attend having read all the excellent reviews, from here i new this was the place to go. Darren who owns and delivers the tiling course is a master at his craft and the tiling courses he runs are nothing short of unbelievable.

I have previously done a lot of teaching myself as education was my main job for many years but Darren’s teaching methods are at another level, in fact a level I have only seen before from experts at the top of their game, he uses a lot of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) to get the information over to you so you can remember the vast amount of it, this skill takes many years to master but he has managed to do it and does it very well.

The course is very practical and covers all the main essential skills required to do tiling work, all the techniques are explained very clearly and demonstrated well, you immediately replicate the same on your tiling bays.

Prior Experience

Before the course I had no prior tiling experience, not even put 1 tile on the wall but by the end I was tiling to professional standards. Everone on the course completed the same work and looking around they all did a fantastic job, this can only be down to Darrens teaching.

Business Skills

The business side of the course pulls no punches either, Darren gives you the full extent of his life experience and what’s in his business brain, this surely opens your mind of what you need to do after you leave the course.


To summarise the course was excellent from first talking to Tracey to accommodation to the time on the course. Loved every minute of it. Highly recommended. Like me if your thinking of doing a tiling course give Tracey or Darren a ring

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