Setting Up A Workstation and Tools Required

Below is all the information on how to set up a workstation for the course and the tools you will require to complete, The tools you practice with on the course will go towards the tools you need to do your customer jobs when you are running your business.FULL TUTOR SUPPORT THROUGHOUT THE COURSE

Setting up of your temporary workstation

This can be easily done from only 1 or 2 plasterboards as shown in the videos and pictures below, Cut the plasterboard into sections and put it in the back of the car to transport

Full 2 board corner workstation in garage or spare room as shown you will need the following

2 x 8 foot x 4 foot plasterboards 12mm (£10 each)

2 x 2.4 CLS timber length (£3 each)

4 x 2.4 one-inch-wide timber strips for edges (£2 each)

Total £32

Board Corner Workstation
Optional Single Board Workstation as shown in garage shed or spare room 1 X 8-foot x 4 foot plasterboard 12mm (£10)

3 x 2.4 one inch wide timber strips for edges (£2 each)

Total (£16)

Optional Single Board
TOOLS REQUIRED TO DO THE COURSETools can be purchased from websites such as EMC Tiles or Pro Tiler Tools

There is a full lesson on the course explaining what all the tools you need to practice and tools are required to be a professional tiler

Here are the tools you will need to buy for doing your tiling practice on the course, these will go towards buying your full tool kit for when you are ready to trade and working as a tiler

Tools Required Course

Manual Tile Cutter, Genesis 600 super pro cutter           £50-£100

Tile Nippers                                                                      £12

Genesis 8mm notched trowel                                       £4

Genesis 12mm notched floor trowel                            £4

Angle Grinder                                                                 £45

Angle grinder 115mm diamond blade                       £10

Spirit Level                                                                    £10

Genesis Grout Float                                                    £7

Genesis 8mm diamond Tile Drill                             £10

Hack Saw for mitres                                                   £10

Mitre block for trim                                                     £9

Bucket and Sponge                                                     £5

2mm tile wall spacers                                                 £3

3mm tile floor spacers                                                £3

Total Around                                                             £200


Opening Your Trade accountsEvery tile shop will open a free trade account for you, just show them the receipt for your training course you have purchased as proof of being in the trade.

This will entitle you trade discounts for all your tile product purchases and discounts on customer tiles up to 30%

Just go into the tile stores and ask to open a trade account they will be more than helpful setting one up for you, Simple, get to know the guys in the shop as these people can pass you tiling work on later when your ready.

Open Trade Accounts

Tiles To Train With

When you open your trade accounts with the tile shops, just tell them you are training and ask them if they have any end of range tiles they are throwing away, they usually have skips outside full of tiles that you can have, try and get a selection of sizes to practice your tiling with.

Also look on Facebook Market place as there are people giving tiles away or selling them for next to nothing.

As a last resort buy some cheap white 150mm x 150mm tiles from B and Q, there will be 44 tiles per pack for about £10 per box, 2 boxes should be enough

Tile Adhesive To Train With

When you set up your trade accounts buy a 15kg tub of any ready mixed tile adhesive, cost about £11

This adhesive takes 4 days to go off so you can practice fixing your tiles all day then simply remove them, scrape off the adhesive off the back of the tile and the wall and start again


When your ready to grout just get a cheep 5kg bag of white wall grout from the same trade tile supplier

Keep all your receipts as all these purchases will be counted as expenses and reclaimed through your end of year taxes, we cover all this in the course